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Aspen Snowmass ad campaign targets Republican senators on climate change inaction

September 5, 2018, 10:13 am

Hard on the heels of Nike’s controversial Colin Kaepernick ad campaign, Aspen Snowmass on Wednesday launched an ad campaign aimed at three Republican senators and their perceived inaction on climate change.

Aspen’s “Give a Flake” campaign calls on readers to directly contact Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski, Maine’s Susan Collins, and Ohio’s Rob Portman on climate change. A second installment of the campaign will focus on LGBTQ issues. Here’s the press release from Aspen Snowmass:

Aspen Snowmass Launches Give A Flake

 ASPEN SNOWMASS, Colo.Sept. 5, 2018— With its 2018-19 national advertising campaign—Give A Flake—Aspen Snowmass has once again departed from traditional ski resort marketing. Rather than enticing potential visitors to Aspen Snowmass with pictures of blue skies and bountiful snow, the campaign instead invites them to join the ski resort in becoming activists on behalf of climate change and equal rights.

Aspen Snowmass created Give A Flake in conjunction with Karsh Hagan, a Denver-based marketing, design and technology company that worked with Aspen Snowmass to produce 2017-18’s The Aspen Way, laying the groundwork for this year’s campaign.

“Our founding vision, the Aspen Idea, was never about escaping reality or retreating from the world’s challenges. That’s why we are taking the bold step of launching the Give A Flake campaign,” says Mike Kaplan, president and CEO, Aspen Skiing Company. “This is not just an advertising slogan, rather it’s an all-out call to action. Collectively, we are a powerful voice, and by using it, we can make a difference.”

Give A Flake initially focuses on climate change and its human and economic consequences. The campaign zeros in on three Senators who are swing votes on climate policy: Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski, Maine’s Susan Collins, and Ohio’s Rob Portman, each of whom has expressed a clear understanding of the science of climate change yet has failed to take meaningful action on the issue.

To push them on the issue, Give A Flake advertisements in national magazines will feature tear-out, pre-paid postage cards for readers to sign and mail to those Senators urging them to act on climate change. The letters will also be available in-resort for guests to sign and send. Online ads will encourage people to register to vote and participate in the upcoming elections. A visit to www.GiveAFlake.com offers visitors a one-click way to reach out to every state’s national representatives through directed Tweets and printable letters to Congress.

In its second installment, the campaign will focus on social concerns, including tolerance and LGBTQ rights. As Kaplan explains, “not only does Aspen Snowmass have valued visitors who are diverse in their sexual orientations and ethnicities, but our coworkers, friends, and community members are, too. We want everyone to feel welcomed and cherished. Advocating for what’s right and taking a stand shows we really mean it.”

Jeff Martin, Karsh Hagan’s chief creative officer, says “We are so fortunate to work with a client who is not afraid to stand behind their convictions and trusts us to give those values a voice. Aspen’s bold spirit inspires us all in this time of continued political and social uncertainty.”

Furthermore, “Despite the political chaos there are still a few brands willing to peek out of their safe zone and take a stand for their values. We hope more brands will step up,” explains Dave Cook, executive creative director, Karsh Hagan.

For more information about Give A Flake, visit: www.GiveAFlake.com.