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Home » Entries posted by David O. Williams (Page 3)
Stories written by davido
David O. Williams is the editor and co-founder of RealVail.com and has had his awarding-winning work (see About Us) published in more than 75 newspapers and magazines around the world, including 5280 Magazine, American Way Magazine (American Airlines), the Anchorage Daily News (Alaska), the Anchorage Daily Press (Alaska), Aspen Daily News, Aspen Journalism, the Aspen Times, Beaver Creek Magazine, the Boulder Daily Camera, the Casper Star Tribune (Wyoming), the Chicago Tribune, Colorado Central Magazine, the Colorado Independent (formerly Colorado Confidential), Colorado Newsline, Colorado Politics (formerly the Colorado Statesman), Colorado Public News, the Colorado Springs Gazette, the Colorado Springs Independent, the Colorado Statesman (now Colorado Politics), the Colorado Times Recorder, the Cortez Journal, the Craig Daily Press, the Curry Coastal Pilot (Oregon), the Daily Trail (Vail), the Del Norte Triplicate (California), the Denver Daily News, the Denver Gazette, the Denver Post, the Durango Herald, the Eagle Valley Enterprise, the Eastside Journal (Bellevue, Washington), ESPN.com, Explore Big Sky (Mont.), the Fort Morgan Times (Colorado), the Glenwood Springs Post-Independent, the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel, the Greeley Tribune, the Huffington Post, the King County Journal (Seattle, Washington), the Kingman Daily Miner (Arizona), KUNC.org (northern Colorado), LA Weekly, the Las Vegas Sun, the Leadville Herald-Democrat, the London Daily Mirror, the Moab Times Independent (Utah), the Montgomery Journal (Maryland), the Montrose Daily Press, The New York Times, the Parent’s Handbook, Peaks Magazine (now Epic Life), People Magazine, Powder Magazine, the Pueblo Chieftain, PT Magazine, the Rio Blanco Herald Times (Colorado), Rocky Mountain Golf Magazine, the Rocky Mountain News, RouteFifty.com (formerly Government Executive State and Local), the Salt Lake Tribune, SKI Magazine, Ski Area Management, SKIING Magazine, the Sky-Hi News, the Steamboat Pilot & Today, the Sterling Journal Advocate (Colorado), the Summit Daily News, United Hemispheres (United Airlines), Vail/Beaver Creek Magazine, Vail en Español, Vail Health Magazine, Vail Valley Magazine, the Vail Daily, the Vail Trail, Westword (Denver), Writers on the Range and the Wyoming Tribune Eagle. Williams is also the founder, publisher and editor of RealVail.com and RockyMountainPost.com.

The O. Zone: Please bury I-70 burial plan while resurrecting rail

The O. Zone: Please bury I-70 burial plan while resurrecting rail

Burying or tunneling Interstate 70 through Vail was in the news again last week, cropping up with the periodic frequency of the equally fantastical proposals for hyperloop pods or Advanced Guideway System (AGS) high-speed transit connecting…

The O. Zone: Bold Colorado sports predictions for remainder of 2024

The O. Zone: Bold Colorado sports predictions for remainder of 2024

Editor’s note 1: One of these predictions already came true, albeit on the high side. Vail was reporting 8 new at 6 this morning and it’s still snowing hard at…

Lindsey Vonn set to rejoin U.S. Ski Team

Lindsey Vonn set to rejoin U.S. Ski Team

Former Vail resident Lindsey Vonn, a local legend whose name replaced the “International” ski-racing trail moniker on Vail Mountain, is coming out of retirement at age 40 as nearby Beaver…

Rail company eyeing Eagle County service no longer involved in Utah oil train proposal

Rail company eyeing Eagle County service no longer involved in Utah oil train proposal

An oil train travels behind paddle boarders on the Colorado River near Dotsero in August. The Texas-based railroad company that holds a passenger-service lease with Union Pacific on the Tennessee…

Colorado health advocates: ‘We’re prepared to protect ACA no matter what’

Colorado health advocates: ‘We’re prepared to protect ACA no matter what’

Healthcare and health insurance costs could skyrocket under the second coming of a Trump administration still seemingly bent on eliminating or at least undercutting Obamacare, consumer advocates warn, while the…

High cost of rural health care on ballot in Colorado and across the nation

High cost of rural health care on ballot in Colorado and across the nation

Regardless of Tuesday’s general election results, the never-ending battle to bring down the high costs of health care will rage on in Colorado, especially in rural areas such as the…

The O. Zone: Billionaire publishers scared to endorse, but not RealVail.com

The O. Zone: Billionaire publishers scared to endorse, but not RealVail.com

I recently put my Eagle County ballot into a local drop box and a day or two later got a BallotTrax notice from the Colorado Secretary of State’s office letting me know…

Rural Colorado police chief bust myths, spreads awareness of fentanyl crisis

Rural Colorado police chief bust myths, spreads awareness of fentanyl crisis

M30 pills containing fentanyl (U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency photo). Rick Brandt, who’s the police chief in the northeastern Colorado town of Evans, considers himself a bit of a myth buster…

The O. Zone: Winter tease, Vonn revival, Birds of Prey blow, more natural snow

The O. Zone: Winter tease, Vonn revival, Birds of Prey blow, more natural snow

Blowing snow at Beaver Creek on Tuesday (Vail Resorts photo). Vail-area residents woke Monday morning to a blast of overnight snow, and by Wednesday it was 65 degrees and sunny.…

Western Rail Coalition urges study of local service in letter to Gov. Polis, CDOT

Western Rail Coalition urges study of local service in letter to Gov. Polis, CDOT

A group of rail advocates calling itself the Western Rail Coalition (WRC) on Monday officially sent a letter to Gov. Jared Polis, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and other state officials seeking support…