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Be thankful this Thanksgiving

November 25, 2015, 8:16 am

Have you ever had a moment you can look back on and credit for changing your life? That’s the case for one Denver woman this year as she prepares to spend Thanksgiving with her family.

Miriam, 70, knew she was long overdue for a mammogram. Like many women, she just hadn’t gotten around to it for a couple years. She got an unexpected call from her health insurance company and together they quickly made the appointment. The mammogram found she had breast cancer — but this isn’t a sad story. Miriam’s cancer was found in the early stages and she was quickly back to doing the things she loves like riding her bike and walking her grandson to the bus stop. Miriam has a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Miriam’s not alone, so she wants to encourage people to ask their loved ones if they’re up to date on their cancer screenings. Far too many people, just like her, are overdue.

See more of Miriam’s health journey in this short and inspiring video: http://bit.ly/1Yh0XRR