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BLM to charge new fees for Upper Colorado River special recreation management areas

January 10, 2025, 10:13 am

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently issued the following press release on new fees for Upper Colorado River special recreation management areas:

The Bureau of Land Management announced new fees for special recreation management areas managed by the Colorado River Valley and Kremmling Field Offices yesterday in the Federal Register. The revenue will help the field offices provide for services and necessary amenities.

“To meet public recreation needs, while considering increasing labor and materials costs, we need to make adjustments,” said acting Colorado River Valley Field Manager James Roberts. “Collecting fees from those who use and enjoy recreation services today will help provide for high-quality experiences in the future.”

Fee Types and Costs

  • Standard Amenity Fee at various day-use sites — $5 for motorcycle, bicycle/walk-in, $10 per vehicle (1-15 passengers), and $20 for high-capacity vehicles (15+ passengers) (day-use fees are paid onsite)
  • Expanded Amenity Fee — $25 for single campsites and $75 for group campsites
  • On-river Individual Special Recreation Permit Camping Fee (float-in only) — $5 per participant, per night for 36 designated campsites in the Special Recreation Management Areas 
  • Upper Colorado River SRMA Season Pass — $50 per season, this pass is valid to use at all fee sites within the combined Upper Colorado River Special Recreation Management Areas (available for purchase at both field offices)

Upper Colorado River Special Recreation Management Areas with New Fees

For a complete list of special recreation management areas with new fees, please reference the attached site maps.

Reservations and Payments

Currently, campers can use recreation.gov to reserve campsites located in the Kremmling Field Office and pay for permits. BLM plans to add more sites to recreation.gov soon.

Visitors to locations in the Colorado River Valley Field Office can pay day-use and camping fees at self-service stations located near the entrances to those areas and sites. There are currently no registration requirements for on-river campsites in the Colorado River Valley Field Office area.

“The new and updated fees will help BLM maintain and enhance facilities, protect natural resources, and provide for public health and safety,” said Kremmling Field Manager Stephen Leonard.

BLM will not start charging new fees until at least six months after the Federal Register Notice publishes. Field offices will inform the public before collecting fees.

The Northwest Resource Advisory Council approved the fee proposal during a June 2023 meeting. BLM staff and RAC members at the meeting discussed factors such as accessibility, equity and inflation before approving the proposed plan.

The complete business plan, with detailed fees, locations and maps, is available online.