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The O. Zone: Bold Colorado sports predictions for remainder of 2024

The O. Zone: Bold Colorado sports predictions for remainder of 2024

Editor’s note 1: One of these predictions already came true, albeit on the high side. Vail was reporting 8 new at 6 this morning and it’s still snowing hard at…

The O. Zone: Billionaire publishers scared to endorse, but not RealVail.com

The O. Zone: Billionaire publishers scared to endorse, but not RealVail.com

I recently put my Eagle County ballot into a local drop box and a day or two later got a BallotTrax notice from the Colorado Secretary of State’s office letting me know…

The O. Zone: Winter tease, Vonn revival, Birds of Prey blow, more natural snow

The O. Zone: Winter tease, Vonn revival, Birds of Prey blow, more natural snow

Blowing snow at Beaver Creek on Tuesday (Vail Resorts photo). Vail-area residents woke Monday morning to a blast of overnight snow, and by Wednesday it was 65 degrees and sunny.…

The O. Zone: Please consider supporting more local news, signing up for alerts

The O. Zone: Please consider supporting more local news, signing up for alerts

The two questions I get the most from Real Vail readers are can you please cover a particular local issue, and is there a way for me to know when…

The O. Zone: Paddleboarding past oil trains like whistling past graveyards

The O. Zone: Paddleboarding past oil trains like whistling past graveyards

A pair of paddleboarders navigate the Upper Colorado River between Roundup River Ranch and Dotsero over Labor Day weekend with a Burlington Northern Santa Fe oil train in the background…

The O. Zone: Silencing discussion of political violence is not how we end it

The O. Zone: Silencing discussion of political violence is not how we end it

The Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol in 2021. So you don’t think Donald Trump’s well documented and closely studied War on the Press is a big deal? In fact, you…

The O. Zone: Why we need more on Israel, SCOTUS reform from Harris at DNC

The O. Zone: Why we need more on Israel, SCOTUS reform from Harris at DNC

Nearly eight years ago on this site, I asked young voters to “think about [Donald] Trump picking the next Supreme Court justice, who will likely be the deciding factor in whether [President…

The O. Zone: Biden bridged gap but it’s time for Harris to take on ‘America’s Hitler’

The O. Zone: Biden bridged gap but it’s time for Harris to take on ‘America’s Hitler’

Joe must go. I’ve fully evolved since the June 27 Debate Debacle from thinking President Joe Biden should stay in the race at this late date, given the passage of…

The O. Zone: Picking primary candidates in an information vacuum, ad squabble

The O. Zone: Picking primary candidates in an information vacuum, ad squabble

Colorado Newsline photo So Tuesday, June 25, is Election Day for party primary voters, and not a whole helluva a lot of you seem to give a rat’s ass –…

The O. Zone: O, for f__k’s sake, way past time to try to reclaim my good name

The O. Zone: O, for f__k’s sake, way past time to try to reclaim my good name

Sometime back in 2015, Ernest Luning, my former colleague at the Colorado Independent and Colorado Statesman, forwarded me a press release from Dave Williams, a young conservative in Colorado Springs…