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Millennial voters backing Green Party could repeat Bush-Gore climate, fracking fiasco of 2000

Millennial voters backing Green Party could repeat Bush-Gore climate, fracking fiasco of 2000

So if you’re a millennial voter either deadset against or on the fence about voting for Democrat Hillary Clinton for president, you probably won’t read this because it’s being posted…

Siemian, Broncos defense making believers of national if not local pundits

Siemian, Broncos defense making believers of national if not local pundits

Finally, the East Coast-biased national sports news network ESPN showed that its analysts are actually capable of opening their collective eyes and accurately assessing the defensive and now to some…

Praise Marshall, punish CenturyLink, Trump for anthem-protest backlash

Praise Marshall, punish CenturyLink, Trump for anthem-protest backlash

Instead of burning Denver Broncos linebacker Brandon Marshall’s jersey and vilifying him for his ongoing national anthem protest in the name of social justice, I think it’s time we start…

Visionary affordable housing fixes elusive and controversial in Vail Valley

Visionary affordable housing fixes elusive and controversial in Vail Valley

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post calling for true vision in dealing with parking, housing and transportation problems in Vail. The piece was well-read and elicited a…

Kaepernick, Marshall take patriotic risk to ignite debate, spur change

Kaepernick, Marshall take patriotic risk to ignite debate, spur change

So summer is unofficially over in the high country and there’s even some snow in the forecast for this week. That means we’re only two months away from the end…

Vail Mayor Chapin acknowledges bond with Mexico, necessity of immigrant workers

Vail Mayor Chapin acknowledges bond with Mexico, necessity of immigrant workers

There was a lot of talk leading up to the Labor Day weekend about protecting American workers from cheap immigrant labor (both legal and illegal) and raising wages to keep…

It requires vision to see Vail still so successful a half century from now

It requires vision to see Vail still so successful a half century from now

As I read the news Thursday of the return of the ski train between Denver and Winter Park, it got me to thinking about our parking problem here in Vail.…

Wet Whistler a wise acquisition for Vail Resorts

Wet Whistler a wise acquisition for Vail Resorts

Whistler-Blackcomb and I have a long history dating back to the early 1990s when I traveled up there and interviewed a bunch of locals at Garfinkel’s (yes, the iconic Vail…

Trump, Mizel and Cacioppo: Does it really matter who owns a political newspaper?

Trump, Mizel and Cacioppo: Does it really matter who owns a political newspaper?

As a print and now mostly digital journalist in Colorado for nearly 30 years, I have more than just a passing interest in who owns the newspapers, magazines and websites…

Death of Muhammad Ali should rekindle national debate over draft, race, military intervention

Death of Muhammad Ali should rekindle national debate over draft, race, military intervention

My father, a retired U.S. Air Force colonel and judge advocate general who died a little over two years ago, was no fan of Muhammad Ali, the boxing great, poetic…