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Tackle Africa: Using the football pitch as a platform to combat HIV/AIDS in Kenya

Tackle Africa: Using the football pitch as a platform to combat HIV/AIDS in Kenya

If there’s one thing that’s very apparent about the Vail Valley, it’s that it’s full of good people doing good things, both locally and internationally. I was glad to join…

Jason Chaffetz just keeps kicking away at the conservative core of the country

Jason Chaffetz just keeps kicking away at the conservative core of the country

If you’re Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz, you vengefully kick people while their down. It’s what you do. Chaffetz has been making headlines all week by piling on presumptive Speaker of…

School shootings cry out for class-action litigation, new gun-control laws

School shootings cry out for class-action litigation, new gun-control laws

We are a nation obsessed with guns and awash in guns. Our schools at every level – from elementary on up to the best colleges and universities – are unsafe.…

It’s still ski season in New Zealand

It’s still ski season in New Zealand

As it did for a lot of impressionable young skiers, watching Warren Miller’s annual feature ski films has done a number on my bank account. Almost as much as that…

China overruns Kazakhstan (in Olympic bidding), while Democracy keeps flailing

China overruns Kazakhstan (in Olympic bidding), while Democracy keeps flailing

Today’s news that Beijing will host the 2022 Winter Olympics, beating out its sole competition of Almaty, Kazakhstan, came as no real surprise. The Chinese will throw enormous amounts of…

Route 50 ‘Roadmap’ series examines boom and bust economies on Colorado’s Western Slope

Route 50 ‘Roadmap’ series examines boom and bust economies on Colorado’s Western Slope

Over the past seven years, for a variety of online and print publications, I’ve covered the energy industry on Colorado’s Western Slope, especially where it intersects with public land management,…

Following Vail fundraiser, nothing shocking about Schock’s downfall

Following Vail fundraiser, nothing shocking about Schock’s downfall

The downfall of Republican Aaron Schock, the Republican congressman from Illinois now infamous for his globe-trotting adventure sports videos, started with an early February story in the Washington Post about…

When it’s unseasonably warm in ski country, time to go winter backpacking in Canyonlands

When it’s unseasonably warm in ski country, time to go winter backpacking in Canyonlands

Fortunately, for what’s left of ski season here in the Vail Valley (a little under two months), winter has made a return the last two weekends. And it looks like…

Vonn legacy looms large at 2015 Worlds despite lack of gold medals

Vonn legacy looms large at 2015 Worlds despite lack of gold medals

I was bummed to see Lindsey Vonn so bummed Monday after she DQ’d in the slalom leg of the women’s alpine combined event after finishing a distant seventh in the…

Snow keeps coming as Vail Snow Daze gears up for round two

Snow keeps coming as Vail Snow Daze gears up for round two

Now things start to get really fun in the Vail Valley. I wrote last week about how surprisingly good the coverage was still on Vail Mountain despite a lack of…