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Bennet, Neguse target EPA in efforts to keep Utah oil trains away from banks of Colorado River

Bennet, Neguse target EPA in efforts to keep Utah oil trains away from banks of Colorado River

Two of Colorado’s Democratic members of Congress on Tuesday called on yet another federal agency to put the brakes on a proposed Utah railway that could send up to five…

Son of a Vail mayor, Johnston leads fundraising chase in bid to become mayor of Denver

Son of a Vail mayor, Johnston leads fundraising chase in bid to become mayor of Denver

The 2023 Denver mayor’s race is the first in which candidates could participate in the city’s new Fair Elections Fund, which aimed to level the playing field through the partial…

Climate-change activists sing praises of proposed package of Colorado housing, land-use reforms

Climate-change activists sing praises of proposed package of Colorado housing, land-use reforms

“Housing policy is climate policy.” That’s the mantra from Gov. Jared Polis, his top officials and their allies in the environmental movement as the Colorado governor and Democrats in the…

Colorado Democrats roll out housing plan to spur denser development, more affordable homes

Colorado Democrats roll out housing plan to spur denser development, more affordable homes

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis and lawmakers unveiled a long-awaited plan Wednesday to spur residential development and increase the housing stock in the state by encouraging the construction of non-traditional housing…

Special legislative panel digs into huge spike in energy costs for utility customers across Colorado

Special legislative panel digs into huge spike in energy costs for utility customers across Colorado

A special Colorado legislative panel on Monday held its latest hearing to study the causes and effects of spiking energy costs for utility customers throughout the state, inviting experts to…

Colorado lawmakers weigh bill for annual mental health screenings for sixth through 12th graders

Colorado lawmakers weigh bill for annual mental health screenings for sixth through 12th graders

A bill that would make it easier for schools to provide mental health assessments and connect students to therapy passed the Colorado House of Representatives on Monday. House Bill 23-1003…

Western governors from Oregon to Colorado push for faster construction to ease housing crisis

Western governors from Oregon to Colorado push for faster construction to ease housing crisis

Editor’s note: This story first appeared on Stateline, an initiative of The Pew Charitable Trusts. PORTLAND, Ore. — Dick Anderson, a Republican state senator from coastal Oregon, has a chart…

Digging into the research on Democrats’ proposed gun laws in Colorado

Digging into the research on Democrats’ proposed gun laws in Colorado

Colorado Democrats introduced a slate of bills aimed at gun violence prevention in February, all four of which have been passed by at least one chamber of the General Assembly.…

House GOP, including Boebert, votes to overturn Waters of the United States wetlands protections

House GOP, including Boebert, votes to overturn Waters of the United States wetlands protections

The U.S. House voted Thursday to undo a Biden administration definition of wetlands that allows for regulations on private lands. The chamber approved, 227-198, a resolution to roll back the…

Colorado Solar and Storage trade group booming as industry takes off, adds thousands of workers

Colorado Solar and Storage trade group booming as industry takes off, adds thousands of workers

Colorado Solar and Storage Association has expanded its membership from 83 business members to 275 during the last several years. Is COSSA giving out ski passes to new members? No…