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The Colorado Department of Transportation on Tuesday issued the following press release on its Interstate 70 West Vail Pass resurfacing project:
EAGLE COUNTY – The Colorado Department of Transportation and contract partner Elam Construction have begun work on the Interstate 70 West Vail Pass resurfacing project. The project will take place on I-70, from just east of Vail to just east of the Vail Pass summit (Mile Points 176-191). This project will focus on a hot mix asphalt (HMA) overlay, maintenance repairs to several bridge-decks, and installing guardrail that meet the new safety standard requirements.
The HMA will add approximately 10 years of life to the highway, a smoother road surface and will eliminate ruts and road damage. Crews will focus on repairing bridge joints and weak spots to the bridge-decks to strengthen and increase the durability of the infrastructure while the new guardrail will be 31” high instead of 27” high, to help vehicles remain on the road. These improvements will make the highway safer for the traveling public.
“CDOT continues to work diligently to improve I-70 on Vail Pass,” said CDOT Executive Director Shoshana Lew. “We completed the Vail East to West improvements last winter, and this next project is an important step towards improving the customer experience on this rugged, remote section of a critical section of roadway.” CDOT will soon begin a larger improvements project with funding from an INFRA grant received from the U.S. Department of Transportation. The federal agency awarded CDOT a $60.7 million Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) grant in 2021, with preparation work beginning this summer.
Starting the week of April 12, a full-time lane closure for eastbound traffic will be in place for approximately two weeks. The closure will allow for concrete work to take place, and will be completed as quickly as possible. Overall, most traffic impacts will take place during daytime hours until mid May. At that time, most work will transition to night time hours, in order to reduce traffic impacts for motorists. Additional work on the West Vail Pass resurfacing project will include rumble strip installation, striping, drainage improvements, sign installation and erosion control.
Travel Impacts
Stay Informed
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Travelers are urged to “know before you go.” Gather information about weather forecasts and anticipated travel impacts and current road conditions prior to hitting the road. CDOT resources include:
Remember: Slow for the Cone Zone
The following tips are to help you stay safe while traveling through maintenance and construction work zones.