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CPW offers $1 million in grants to reduce human-bear conflicts in local communities

March 20, 2025, 9:23 am

Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) recently issued the following press release about a new round of grant funding through the Human-Bear Conflict Reduction Community Grant Program:

Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) recently opened a new round of grant funding to provide local Colorado communities with resources to reduce human-bear conflicts through the Human-Bear Conflict Reduction Community Grant Program. The application deadline is May 30, 2025.

“Colorado is known for our diverse wildlife and inspiring outdoors, which both humans and animals enjoy. By utilizing human-bear conflict avoidance grants, and investing in conflict reduction strategies we can reduce property damage and help Coloradans and bears successfully coexist in our high country, and across the state,” said Governor Polis. 

This year, CPW is offering $1 million of grant funding for projects that reduce conflicts with bears in local communities. This grant program strives to foster innovative solutions to human-bear conflict that can be replicated in other parts of the state and bolster those efforts in all communities in Colorado. The funding will be distributed through a competitive grant process this spring. 

Funding for the program was first made available through House Bill 21-1326, which passed the General Assembly and was signed by Governor Polis in 2021. This program was so popular and successful that, in partnership with Governor Polis, CPW decided to continue it.

Local governments, NGOs, HOAs, community groups, businesses, tribes, universities and individuals are all eligible to receive funding. Applicants can apply for grants between $50,000 and $500,000. 

“Human-bear conflict measures cannot be successful without collaboration between local communities, wildlife managers and individuals,” said CPW Grant Manager Travis Long. “We are excited about this program because interest from the public is high, with many communities taking advantage of the opportunities this funding provides and implementing projects to help reduce conflicts with bears.”

This grant provides funding to communities that want to reduce conflicts with bears but lack the needed resources. The program also helps to spark the conversation around conflict reduction and brings stakeholders together to come up with solutions. 

Eligible Projects

The Human-Bear Conflict Reduction Community Grant Program aims to reduce conflicts between local communities and black bears. Characteristics of projects that help meet this goal include:

  • Reducing the availability of attractants to black bears in communities experiencing human-bear conflict or disincentivizing black bears from entering areas of high conflict (i.e. hazing).
  • Have local community support or detailed plans to build local support.
  • Are cost-effective investments that have the potential to last beyond the funding time frame (such as bear proof trash cans).
  • Utilize proven techniques for preventing conflict or explore an innovation with a promise to prevent conflict.

How to Apply

Applications are available on CPW’s website and are due by May 30, 2025, at 5 p.m. For questions or application assistance, please contact CPW Grant Manager Travis Long at travis.long@state.co.us. Successful grant recipients will be announced later this year.

Click here to view the 2024 grant recipients and see what projects were selected during the competitive grant process.

Bears activity in Colorado

Wildlife managers estimate that Colorado has between 17,000 – 20,000 bears, and the population is stable and growing.

From 2019-24, CPW has received over 26,913 reported sightings and conflicts with bears. Of the 5,022 reports CPW received in 2024, 2,225 resulted in property damage to a shed, garage, home, vehicle, fence, etc. Over 50% were linked to trash cans and dumpsters as an attractant, which is a target area CPW looks to address when awarding grants. Other constant sources of conflict include birdfeeders, livestock, bears accessing open garages and other human-originated items that are left unsecured.

Human-bear conflicts can lead to property damage and increased demands on CPW and local government personnel’s time and effort to respond to them. Expanding existing conflict reduction efforts or developing new approaches will help reduce impacts on bear populations and community resources, improving public safety. 

Bears with access to trash and garbage that contains food can become conditioned to consuming that food, meaning they could return and enter homes, garages or vehicles to find more. This can lead to property damage and bears becoming aggressive, putting themselves and humans in danger. Consuming garbage can also negatively impact a bear’s health. 

Learn more about CPW’s other grant programs: cpw.state.co.us/grant-programs.

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