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Eagle County, BLM team up to offer private homeowners funds to reduce wildfire risk

September 17, 2020, 8:54 am

Eagle County is teaming up with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to offer funding for private homeowners to reduce wildfire risk. Here’s that press release:

Eagle County and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) are announcing a new opportunity for private landowners and homeowners associations to apply for funding to reduce wildfire risk. While wildfire mitigation is always important for Colorado communities, its necessity is especially pronounced in the wake of this summer’s Grizzly Creek Fire, the largest fire to occur on the White River National Forest. 

An additional $89,000 was awarded by the BLM to Eagle County’s Community Assistance Agreement. The money will be used to provide property owners with financial and technical assistance to safeguard their homes and create fire adapted communities. Examples of eligible projects include creating defensible space, home retrofits, and community wood chipping days.

“As wildfires continue to be a threat, we want everyone to take advantage of the available resources,” said Eric Lovgren, Eagle County’s Wildfire Mitigation Coordinator. “It is imperative that homeowners take personal responsibility to prepare for wildfires well in advance of their inevitable arrival in our communities.”

This new funding wave will tie into existing tools offered by REALFire, a program in Eagle County that promotes wildfire education, awareness, and action. Through the REALFire program, local residents can request a property assessment that evaluates the external conditions of their home and landscape to determine its susceptibility to wildfire.

“I am thrilled that we took the time to have the assessment done on our home,” said local homeowner Cynthia Thrall. “I hope that all of our neighbors and other Cordillera residents will take wildfire mitigation seriously, so we can all work towards making our homes and subdivisions safer.” 

To learn more about program eligibility, or to schedule a free wildfire hazard assessment of a home or property, contact Lovgren at 970-328-8742 or at eric.lovgren@eaglecounty.us