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Eagle County launches new comprehensive COVID-19 website

November 4, 2020, 9:04 pm

Eagle County on Wednesday put out the following press release on its new comprehensive, bilingual COVID-19 website:

Eagle County has launched a comprehensive, bilingual COVID-19 website to streamline information and resources related to the local effects of the pandemic. It is available at www.eaglecountycovid.org.

The site combines elements from existing online resources so they are located in one place. Information previously found on www.ECEmergency.org, the Key Performance Indicators site, the data dashboard, the county website, and other outlets is available on the new site. Additional information will be added and updates will continue as the site is refined.

The homepage directs visitors to English or Spanish information. There, they can see the county’s current COVID-19 risk level, learn where to get tested, find individual and family assistance in both the Eagle River and Roaring Fork valleys, review guidance for businesses, and view information for incoming travelers. The most recent “epi update” video is also available. 

Eagle County Public Health & Environment recently updated its community monitoring dashboard to include additional local information and trends in COVID-19 disease surveillance. Information on confirmed cases, testing, hospitalizations and deaths will be updated every day. 

In addition to launching the new website, the county has updated its public health order to adopt the newest order from the state, which went into effect on Nov. 3. Specifically, the new state order:

-Updates the dial levels to be identified by color by removing the numbers from the Safer-At-Home levels. This change is intended to be more easily understood by Coloradans already accustomed to existing color-coded warning systems.

-Limits gatherings to no more than 10 from no more than 2 households for levels Blue, Yellow, and Orange, and prohibits gatherings for Red.

-Specifies that places of worship do not need to use the spacing calculator for seated events, consistent with other sector guidance, in all Safer at Home levels. Seated parishioners should be at least 6 feet apart from other households.  

-Emphasizes that outdoor worship is always permitted.

-Changes indoor event guidance in Level Orange: Safer at Home, High Risk to be 25% of posted occupancy limit or 50 people, whichever is fewer. 

-Changes outdoor event guidance in Level Orange: Safer at Home, High Risk to be 25% of posted occupancy limit or 75 people, whichever is fewer. 

-Includes in-person learning for preschool through grade 12 schools as part of the “Critical Business” definition. This clarifies that local districts are able to make determinations on how to structure the format of education based on local factors.

-Finalizes transportation guidance to emphasize the requirement to wear a mask and practice physical distancing while on public transportation. 

-Defines Stay at Home requirements, clarifying that at this level most activities are significantly curtailed, only allowed in outdoor environments, or prohibited, and noncritical businesses are closed for in-person work or services.

For more information, visit https://covid19.colorado.gov/