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Eagle County Open Space Plan informed by public input

July 25, 2024, 3:04 pm

Eagle County recently issued the following press release on its new report on the Eagle County Open Space and Natural Resources plan:

Key insights from stakeholder and community engagement year-to-date are available in a new report on the Eagle County Open Space and Natural Resources website. This report lays the foundation for a virtual community event scheduled for August 20, which will provide an update on plan input and afford community members another opportunity to make their voices heard. 

Those who responded to the questionnaire displayed considerable knowledge about Eagle County Open Space, with many visiting open space properties several times per week or several times per month. A majority of respondents seek balance in prioritizing recreation and land conservation. People clearly value recreation opportunities and access to nature; they also value the conservation of wildlife habitat and natural ecosystems and the preservation of undeveloped land. When asked to rank priorities for acquiring new parcels, wildlife habitat ranked highest, and recreation access was a close second. 

“We are thrilled to hear from so many community members about all the aspects of open space that they value. There are important choices to weigh in balancing the future priorities of the Open Space Program, and we encourage people to stay involved,” said Eagle County Open Space and Natural Resources Director Marcia Gilles.

The questionnaire presented a series of questions that framed trade-offs to understand specific priorities better. Several questions asked about future land acquisition priorities. The results showed a priority for strategic acquisition of key parcels near communities, reinforcing feedback about valuing close-to-home access. 

Other questions presented choices around facilities, education, and management. People prioritized a more primitive recreation experience over having more amenities or facilities. 

This thoughtful feedback along with environmental and habitat analysis and financial studies helps the team better understand priorities and work toward a draft plan. More engagement is underway to hear from groups and residents who haven’t yet been involved. 

Information about the August 20 Community Event can be found on the Eagle County Open Space and Natural Resources website. The virtual session will be recorded and available for those who cannot attend in person. 

A draft plan is anticipated to be available for community review and discussion in the fall.