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The Eagle County Sheriff’s Office on Tuesday issued the following press release on implementing Stage 1 fire restrictions:
Due to the more favorable weather conditions, Eagle County will be implementing “Stage 1” fire restrictions that will take effect on Friday morning, June 18, 2021, at 00:01 a.m.
Fire managers base decisions about fire restrictions on specific moisture measurements in vegetation and other risk factors such as predicted weather and the amount of current fire activity.
The restrictions that will be implemented and remain in place until further notice are;
We want to remind our community, as well as visitors to the area, that they are our first line of defense in preventing wildland fires. Thank you everyone for doing your part to keep Eagle County safe and beautiful.
When we are in a Red Flag Warning in Eagle County, this will automatically move restrictions up to the next level of fire restrictions. This means that while we are implementing Stage I Fire Restrictions and a Red Flag Warning is in effect we will move to Stage II Fire Restrictions. More in depth information regarding the fire restrictions in Eagle County can be located at
A comprehensive listing of fire restrictions throughout the state and other fire related emergency information can be found online at www.coemergency.com
Information on current wildfires in Colorado and around the country is available at www.inciweb.org .
The Eagle County Sheriff’s Office is urging people living in and near fire-prone areas to be prepared for the worst by protecting their property through clearing brush and removing dead branches, along with many other steps that are outlined at www.firewise.org. In addition, residents should prepare for emergency evacuation plans and make sure they have their most valuable and important possessions prepared in the event they are required to immediately leave the area.
To receive real-time emergency text or email notifications, subscribe to EC Alert at www.ecalert.org
The Stage 1 Fire restrictions will remain in place until further notice. Check with your local municipality for specific restrictions.