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Forest Service joined by local, state trail groups to work in Eagle-Holy Cross District

June 25, 2021, 9:04 am

The U.S. Forest Service this week issued the following press release on trail improvement projects going on this summer in the Eagle-Holy Cross Ranger District:

MINTURN, Colo. (June 23, 2021) – Beginning this week and continuing through August, hikers in the Eagle-Holy Cross Ranger District may encounter several larger trail improvement projects in addition to the regular trail maintenance crews.

This week Forest Service crews will be working with Vail Valley Mountain Trails Alliance, Colorado Trail Foundation, and Rocky Mountain Youth Corps to realign steep and eroded sections of the Game Creek Trail. Work is expected to take several weeks. Later this summer these same partners will complete realignments on the Colorado Trail. 

Beginning July 11, civil engineering major cadets from the US Air Force Academy will be working to replace the eastern-most bridge on the Two Elk Trail.

Crews this summer will also be working on realignment and other heavy maintenance on sections of the Meadow Mountain Trail. 

The trails are expected to stay open during most work, but intermittent closures may be necessary. Trails will be signed, and further information disseminated if closures are needed.

“We appreciate the public’s patience as we continue to improve the sustainability of our trail system,” said Leanne Veldhuis, Eagle-Holy Cross District Ranger. “We are grateful for our amazing partners and community members who are helping us complete these priority projects.” 

For more information about these projects contact the Eagle-Holy Cross Office at (970) 827-5715.