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How to enjoy the outdoors when you have mobility problems

July 14, 2023, 10:35 am

If you have started to develop mobility issues, you might think you cannot enjoy the outdoors as much as you used to. However, this is not the case. Instead of giving up on an outdoor lifestyle altogether, here are some of the best ways to enjoy nature when you cannot get around as easily as you used to. 

Find the Right Equipment

There is a wheelchair and other types of mobility equipment for almost every activity you can think of, including spending time outside. You should look at wheelchairs that have been specially adapted for external living and that can cope with all terrains, as well as those that have been designed with sport in mind. This can ensure your wheelchair or other mobility aid does not hold you back, and you do not find your wheelchair starts to struggle once you have left the house. However, once you have chosen the perfect equipment for you, you should make sure you store it properly when it is not in use. 

Get the Right Parts

If you use a mobility aid, you need to make sure you get the right parts for it if you want to take it into the wilderness. Not only should you look for adaptations that can manage all sorts of weather and landscapes easily, but you should also try to make sure your devices are well-maintained so that you do not get stuck in a forest or hilly setting you are planning to spend time in. To find great parts that can make living easier for you, you should consider heading to websites such as discountscooters.co.uk, as they have a huge range of spares and other equipment you might need. 

Be Prepared

You can enjoy the outdoors just as much as other people if you have mobility problems. However, you might just have to be a little bit more prepared than others. For instance, you should be aware of the weather forecast and changing weather patterns, especially if you do not have tools that can stand being battered by storms or being used on wet or muddy ground. You might also decide to bring a repair kit in case your devices fail or break down when you are on the move. 

Pick the Right Location

You should also make sure you are enjoying the outdoors in a location that suits you and your disability. For instance, you might choose a location that has gentler terrain or that has accessible facilities nearby that you can use when you need to. You might also look for locations that offer disabled parking options and paths wide enough for you and your equipment. Some national parks even offer suitable mobility aids that you can hire. However, the most important step you can take is to choose to visit a location that interests and excites you, or else you might feel as if your disability has held you back from the destinations that you truly want to go to.