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Polis blasts Trump on ICE raids; CIRC offers tips for dealing with federal agents

July 12, 2019, 1:04 pm
Jared Polis
Gov. Jared Polis

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis on Thursday issued a statement blasting President Donald Trump for pursuing a mass deportation policy with a series of ICE raids schedule for Sunday in 10 U.S. cities, including Denver.

“If true, these reports are of great concern and another failure of leadership by the Trump administration. Instead of working with Congress to find a real, comprehensive solution to our broken immigration system, the President is unfortunately focused on creating uncertainty and fear,” Polis said in a press release.

“These actions make our communities less safe and increase distrust of law enforcement,” Polis added. “Colorado celebrates our immigrant communities, and we will not allow the public safety of Coloradans to be held hostage by the Trump administration.”

Polis also issued a statement on Trump’s failure to put a controversial citizenship question on the 2020 U.S. Census for the first time in more than 50 years. The president had threatened to do so by executive order after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against his administration.

“Today the President recognized that there were no legal grounds to add the citizenship question to the census,” Polis said Thursday. “In Colorado, we are working to make sure we have the most accurate count possible. An accurate census is a critical tool for ensuring Colorado receives fair representation in Congress and resources that support our schools, infrastructure, and other critical services. Questions designed to deter participation should not be allowed.”

Critics of the administration claimed the question would have had a chilling effect on accurately counting everyone living in the country – especially undocumented residents. The allocation of federal funding for everything from education to infrastructure is based on an accurate overall count of residents, and so is critical congressional apportionment.

Colorado could get an eighth U.S. House seat in 2022 based on its recent population surge.

Regarding Sunday’s anticipated raids in Denver, the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition put out this press release for dealing with ICE agents on Sunday or any day:

Sources have confirmed that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will be conducting raids beginning on Sunday July 17th. In light of this, we’re asking all of our members to read and share this information, available in flyers in English and Spanish; when we’re all informed, we can support ourselves and each other even as ICE seeks to break up our communities. 

The raids are expected to occur primarily in the Denver metro area. They will target mostly people with final deportation notices as well as guardians of unaccompanied minors seeking asylum turning 18. However, ICE will also be seeking collateral arrests. In preparation for the raids, it is crucial for people to have a plan, know their rights, and contact the rapid response network. 

A flyer for what to do if ICE comes to your door can be found here. Information on creating a family preparedness plan can be found here.

The Colorado Rapid Response Network Hotline is available 24/7 at (844) 864-8341 to answer any questions or concerns you may have; staff speak Spanish and English.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Here’s the same information in Spanish:

Fuentes han confirmado que el Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE) llevará a cabo redadas a partir del domingo el 17 de julio. En vista de esto, estamos pidiendo a todos nuestros miembros que lean y compartan esta información, disponible en panfletos en inglés y español; cuando todxs estamos informadxs, podemos apoyarnos a nosotros mismos y a los demás aún mientras ICE busca destruir nuestras comunidades. 

Se espera que las redadas ocurran principalmente en el área metropolitana de Denver. Se dirigirán principalmente a las personas con notificaciones de deportación definitiva, así como a los tutores de menores no acompañados que solicitan asilo quienes están cumpliendo 18 años. Sin embargo, ICE también estará buscando arrestos colaterales. En preparación para las redadas, es crucial que las personas tengan un plan, conozcan sus derechos y contacten con la red de respuesta rápida.

Un panfleto sobre lo que hay que hacer si ICE viene a su puerta se puede encontrar aquí. Información sobre crear un plan de preparación familiar se puede encontrar aquí.

El red de respuesta rápida está dispuesta en ingles y español 24/7 para contestar cualquiera pregunta o preocupación que pueda tener; se puede contactar a (844) 864-8341.

Por favor, no dude en hablarnos.

The tech industry lobbying group FWD.us sent out this email blast on Friday:

News broke yesterday that the immigration raids we heard about in late June could start sometime this weekend.

This information is subject to change, but here’s what we know from the most recent reports:

  • Raids may take place in Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Newark, San Francisco, Washington D.C., and possibly elsewhere.
  • The raids could begin as early as tomorrow and take place over multiple days.
  • Authorities may detain immigrants on the scene even if they are not the targets of the raids.

If you think you could be affected by a raid, remain calm and stay empowered by knowing your rights. Click here for more information.

If you are unlikely to be personally affected by one of the raids, it is critically important we spread the word to anyone who could be impacted, and review the Know Your Rights information. Share this information right away.

Thank you for helping to spread the word. Stay empowered by staying informed.

Ivette Morataya
Informed Immigrant Outreach Director, FWD.us

PS. If you or someone you know needs legal support, you can find local organizations to connect with here.

Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for president, issued this press release late Friday:

Bennet calls on President Trump to stop ICE raids

Amid reports that the Trump Administration’s U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) plans to carry out nationwide raids across 10 major cities, including Denver, Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today sent a letter to President Trump calling on him to immediately stop the raids.

“These raids serve no purpose other than to cause fear and confusion among immigrant communities across the country,” wrote Bennet. “Instead of prioritizing enforcement against individuals who have committed violent crimes, your administration has decided to use scarce resources to penalize families and individuals who are contributing to their communities in my home state of Colorado and across the nation.”

This week, Bennet joined his colleagues in a letter urging President Trump to reverse course on plans to end protections against the deportation of military families whose loved ones are deployed. He also cosponsored legislation to block immigration enforcement at sensitive locations, such as schools, hospitals, and religious institutions.

Yesterday, Bennet joined over three dozen Senate Democrats in cosponsoring the Stop Cruelty to Migrant Children Act, legislation that would put an end to the Trump Administration’s cruel and neglectful treatment of children at the border. Bennet also sent a letter to the Department of Homeland Security calling on the agency to provide its plan for rectifying the administration’s unacceptable handling of the crisis on the border following the recent report by the DHS inspector general.  

A copy of today’s letter is available HEREandbelow.

Dear President Trump:

I write to request that you cancel the announced Immigration and Customs Enforcement (“ICE”)  raids against immigrant families.

These raids serve no purpose other than to cause fear and confusion among immigrant communities across the country.  Instead of prioritizing enforcement against individuals who have committed violent crimes, your administration has decided to use scarce resources to penalize families and individuals who are contributing to their communities in my home state of Colorado and across the nation.

Immigrant communities deserve our support and understanding rather than hatred and division. These raids will only exacerbate the already overcrowded and inhumane conditions at detention facilities across the country.  They will also continue to stoke fear and anxiety in some of our most vulnerable communities.

Our nation has a rich history of offering immigrants and refugees the opportunity to build a better life for themselves and future generations.  Our time and attention should be focused on rectifying the humanitarian crisis on the border and finding a comprehensive solution to our broken immigration system.  These raids take us in the opposite direction.

I urge you to cancel them immediately.


Michael F. Bennet

United States Senator