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Public invited to weigh in on Three Meadows Ranch acquisition

January 30, 2025, 8:51 am

Eagle County on Thursday issued the following press release on a “$12.5 million funding request to support the acquisition of Three Meadows Ranch, a 4,251-acre conservation property in Missouri Heights along Cottonwood Pass.”

On February 4, 2025, the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners will consider a $12.5 million funding request to support the acquisition of Three Meadows Ranch, a 4,251-acre conservation property in Missouri Heights along Cottonwood Pass and boarding U.S. Forest Service land. Community members are encouraged to attend the meeting or submit comments to help sustain the momentum behind this historic project.

In partnership with Pitkin County Open Space & Trails and Aspen Valley Land Trust, Eagle County is working to preserve this ecologically significant property, which boasts critical wildlife habitat, vital water resources, and stunning views.

The project has gained strong support, with the Pitkin County Commissioners recently approving $7.7 million in funding and Aspen Valley Land Trust securing a $7.5 million contribution from the Wexner Family. Approval of Eagle County’s funding is the final step needed to make this vision a reality.

The public is invited to join the February 4, 2025, Board of County Commissioners meeting at 10 a.m., which will be held at the Eagle County Building, 500 Broadway St., Eagle, CO, or participate virtually. Comments can also be submitted in advance to planningcomments@eaglecounty.us.