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Roberts, Lukens, McCluskie tour new Wiegers Mental Health Clinic in Edwards

July 29, 2024, 5:33 pm

The Colorado House Democrats on Monday issued the following press release on the new Wiegers Mental Health Clinic in Edwards:

Speaker Julie McCluskie, Representative Meghan Lukens and Senator Dylan Roberts, D-Frisco, today visited the Wiegers Mental Health Clinic. Lawmakers toured the youth and adult facility inpatient construction project and discussed workforce and affordable housing needs.

“Expanding access to high-quality behavioral and mental health care in the high country is vital,” said Speaker McCluskie, D-Dillon. “The demand for more inpatient and outpatient facilities is not slowing – and it’s heartening to see our local facilities continue to expand to meet the needs of our community, especially our youth. From lowering the cost of prescription drugs and prioritizing care in rural, underserved areas, improving access to mental and behavioral health care is always top of mind for us.” 

“No matter where you live, you deserve to have access to mental and behavioral health care resources in your community,” said Rep. Meghan Lukens, D-Steamboat Springs. “As we work toward a future of accessible, affordable health care for everyone, especially our youth, it’s exciting to see local behavioral health care facilities expand so our neighbors can access care that’s close to them. I’m proud of the work we’ve done to not only prioritize mental and behavioral health care in our state, but make it more accessible for families and youth.” 

In 2023,  Vail Health Behavioral Health opened the Wiegers Mental Health Clinic to meet the growing demand for outpatient care in Eagle County.  

In recent years, lawmakers have championed behavioral health care legislation to expand care in rural and agricultural communities, allow youth to receive free therapy sessions, and expand the health care workforce.

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