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Town of Vail review process for housing project at Middle Creek kicks off

March 30, 2021, 10:38 am

The Town of Vail on Tuesday issued the following press release on its proposed public-private partnership with Triumph Development for a housing project on town-owned land in the Middle Creek area of Vail:

The development review process for the planned housing development on town-owned land at Lot 3, Middle Creek, located at 129 North Frontage Road West, will begin with a conceptual hearing before the Design Review Board on April 7 and an introductory hearing before the Planning and Environmental Commission on April 12. These virtual meetings are regularly livestreamed on High Five Access Media at www.highfivemedia.org with opportunities for public comment. Registration to participate in the virtual DRB and PEC meetings can be found on the town’s website with DRB agendas here and PEC agendas here

The development application for the newly named Residences at Main Vail was submitted jointly to the Town of Vail Community Development Department on behalf of the town and its partner, Triumph Development West LLC, on March 15 following approval of a development agreement by the Town Council on March 2. To view submitted documents, visit Town of Vail Planning Department.

Marking the first 100% deed-restricted, for rent development of its kind since the town’s partnership to redevelop the easternmost portion of the Timber Ridge Village Apartments, the development plan includes the construction of 72 deed-restricted one- and two-bedroom apartments containing a minimum of 144 beds. To facilitate development on the site, an application for a variance to allow a multiple family building on slopes of 40% or greater was also submitted. This 2.1-acre parcel of land is identified for residential development in the Vail Land Use Plan and is located within the Housing zone district. Within the Housing zone district, development standards including lot area and site dimensions, building height and density control, including Gross Residential Floor Area, are proposed by the applicant and approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission as part of their review of the development plan.

A transportation needs analysis, geologic hazard assessment and Transportation Impact Study (TIS) have been submitted with the development plan. The development plan also includes a Mobility Management Plan to meet the transportation needs of future residents. The findings of the TIS concludes that improvements to the current access to the site and turning lanes complies with CDOT requirements and adopted Town standards. Similarly, the geologic hazard assessment concludes there are no geologic hazards impacting the site requiring mitigation.

Upon development plan approval, a final design review application must be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board. In addition to the meetings on April 7 and April 12, additional public meetings are planned for later in April and throughout the month of May. A request for a final review is planned for May 24.

In 2020 the Town of Vail subdivided Lot 3 from the larger Lot 1 of the Middle Creek Subdivision to create a parcel of land to allow for a future resident occupied, deed-restricted housing development. The property has been zoned Housing since the Middle Creek at Vail Apartments were approved in September 2002. 

The Town of Vail and Triumph Development West, LLC, encourage public participation during the meetings and in written form. Emails will be accepted until noon on the day of the meeting: