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President Donald Trump
I am the enemy.
As an angry, aging, white, protestant male in America – who may or may not be heavily armed — I am more of a danger to my fellow citizens than any migrant army of desperate women and children allegedly infiltrated by Islamic extremists slowly creeping toward our southern border.
The O. Zone
by David O. Williams
And yet my tax dollars are now being spent for purely political reasons to send more combat-ready troops to the border to meet these asylum seekers than we currently have stationed in Syria and Iraq to take on the Islamic State itself. Just so President Donald Trump can score more points with his dangerously xenophobic and increasingly anti-immigrant base ahead of the midterms.
Those troops would be better deployed guarding synagogues, mosques, churches, schools, movies theaters, malls, concert venues and other public gathering places across America that are currently and increasingly in the crosshairs of domestic, white-nationalist terrorists being whipped into a frenzy by the White House. And the estimated $35 million the deployment will cost would be better spent combating Big Pharma’s opioid epidemic or building infrastructure.
Again, demographically, my fellow Americans are in much more danger from guys like me than the boogie men Trump relied on to get elected in 2016 – MS 13 gang members, Jews, Islamic extremists, people of color in general. More Americans are being killed by disgruntled white men in America than Muslim foreigners, but Trump embraces the “very fine” white nationalists.
Why? Because it’s working at the polls. Trump got elected by dividing the country and stoking racist fears of replacement. Heterosexual white men are afraid the others will take their jobs, guns and women, when in fact billionaires running global corporations have marginalized the white middle class, and Trump rewarded them with fat tax breaks.
No doubt nearly 50 percent or more of the voting populous will once again be fooled by Trump’s calculated and corrosive bullshit on Nov. 6, but that doesn’t mean reasonable people shouldn’t stand and shout their resistance from the highest rooftops. As I wrote back in November of 2016, the majority of the nation must come together to chase the fear-mongering minority back into the shadows of society. They didn’t do enough of that in 1930s Germany and look what happened.
In recent days and weeks, hate crimes aimed at Democrats, African-Americans and Jews have shattered our sense of security and stoked the general sense of fear and unease Trump brought to the surface starting in 2015. That has emboldened back actors to act out.
Some idiot recently went to the trouble of printing up hateful, homophobic bumper stickers aimed at Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jared Polis, then plastered them all over Eagle and other parts of the Vail Valley. I almost didn’t write about it, not wanting to give such a scumbag the satisfaction of increased notoriety.
But then I remember my pledge dating back to 2015 to continue to daylight the cockroaches that Trump has stirred up in our society, and I’m hopeful the story I wrote for the Vail Daily and that Denver’s Westword picked up will lead the police to finding the bigot responsible and charging them with bias-motivated criminal mischief.
Bumper stickers today are the gateway to pipe bombs and AR-15s tomorrow, so let’s hope that on Nov. 6, despite such cowardly acts, more people vote for unity and acceptance than fear and division.