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Vail Community Picnic set for Tuesday, Aug. 13 at Donovan Pavilion

August 7, 2024, 10:48 am

The Town of Vail recently issued the following press release on its upcoming neighborhood picnic:

The Town of Vail will host its remaining neighborhood picnic of the summer from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 13 at Donovan Pavilion in West Vail. Free food and drink will be provided by the town on a first-come, first-served basis.  

The picnics provide community members a fun and informal place to reconnect with neighbors, as well as an opportunity to offer comments and suggestions to members of the Vail Town Council and town staff. Staff will have tables set up highlighting current town initiatives. 

This is the 24th year for the picnics. In addition to the attending the neighborhood gathering, community members are encouraged to share their ideas, concerns and suggestions at any time by emailing the Town Council at towncouncil@vail.gov. Also, the town’s website at vail.gov includes information on town topics and projects as well as e-mail links and phone numbers for all departments. Join the town’s virtual community on social media: Facebook and Instagram

For more information, contact the town’s communications department at 970-479-2115. 

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