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Vail mayor voices ‘deep concerns’ over lack of enforcement for truckers causing closures on I-70

February 11, 2025, 10:32 am

The Town of Vail on Monday sent the following letter to Colorado Jared Polis from Vail Mayor Travis Coggin calling for stepped up enforcement of existing chain and other traffic laws on Interstate 70 over Vail Pass and through Dowd Junction:

Dear Governor Polis,

We are writing to express our deep concerns with continued non-compliance with safety laws on I-70 by commercial vehicle drivers. Since November, we have consistently seen closures and accidents on Vail Pass during heavy snows due to trucks losing traction and not using chains.

Travis Coggin

As you may know, Town of Vail emergency services respond to accidents on Vail Pass and provides enforcement for chain up requirements. Our emergency responders are placed in harm’s way in adverse conditions which also impacts our ability to respond to emergencies in the Town of Vail. Other impacts of closures include:

• Blocked ambulance routes to the only ER facility in Eagle County,

• Safety concerns for those stuck in their vehicles in cold weather,

• Environmental impacts of spilled hazardous materials,

• Detrimental effects on the quality of life of Colorado residents, guests and workforce who are unable to get to or from home or work, and

• Negative experiences for our Front Range and destination guests who contribute tremendously to the state’s economy.

While we appreciate the recent update to existing chain laws, the State of Colorado’s current penalties are clearly still an inadequate deterrent for those who will ignore speed limits, lane restrictions and chain-up requirements and put others at risk for the sake of saving a few minutes on the road. In addition, the $1,150 maximum fine for blocking a roadway is exceedingly low considering the state’s own analysis indicating an economic cost of nearly $2 million for every hour I-70 is closed. In 2024 alone, based on CDOT information, there were 99 full closures lasting a total of 161 hours with an estimated cumulative economic impact exceeding $300 million dollars.

We urge enforcement and support of the following measures immediately:

Strict Enforcement of Traction Laws: All vehicles must comply with tire and traction requirements, especially during adverse weather conditions. Violations should be met with significant penalties to ensure compliance. The current penalties are not changingthe behavior of the trucking industry. The penalty for a closure needs to be more commensurate with the financial impact it causes. The Town is prepared to work with the state to enhance enforcement recognizing that the Colorado State Patrol in our region is less than 50% staffed.

Strict Enforcement of Speed Limits: Aggressive and unsafe driving practices, including speeding, must be addressed through increased patrols and penalties. This behavior poses an unacceptable risk to public safety.

Mandatory Use of Right Lanes: As we understand, the state has approved regulations that would require trucks to stay in the right lane on Vail Pass, Dowd Junction, and Glenwood Canyon. This regulation has been implemented in Glenwood Canyon with signage and has proven to reduce accident rates. We would ask that this policy be implemented on Vail Pass and Dowd Junction. Our officers responding to incidents on Vail Pass and Dowd Junction report that the most frequent cause of a commercial vehicle incident occurs when trucks passing slower trucks lose traction and cause an incident.

Chain Stop Improvement in East Vail: The Colorado Department of Transportation, as we have learned, is planning to improve the chain up areas for Vail Pass. This initiative could also include providing assistance for truckers in properly chaining up and photo enforcement upon leaving the chain up area. We would like to work with CDOT on the design and operation of the eastbound Vail Pass Chain-up area to both support truckers in chaining up and ensure truckers are chained up when required. If approved, Senate Bill 25-069 could also provide chain-up support for truckers.

The Town of Vail has and will continue to commit our emergency resources to responding to incidents and enforcing the chain law. We would ask for financial support to enhance our partnership with the state to better enforce the chain law, support commercial drivers in chaining up, and to more rapidly respond to incidents to reduce the time of closures.

We trust that you will prioritize these concerns and act swiftly to address the pressing challenges on I-70 and Vail Pass. Thank you in advance for helping protect our mountain communities and the safety of the driving public.


Travis Coggin

Mayor, Town of Vail