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Why should you choose luxury rehab?

June 23, 2021, 8:16 am

The following is an article provided by All Points North Lodge, a luxury rehab facility in Cordillera:

For some, the term “luxury rehab” brings to mind an outrageously upscale locale featuring only the finest amenities and concierge service. With this image, it’s as if rehab was a fabulous spa where one can participate in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction during their spare time or in short meaningful stints.

The truth is that drug and alcohol addictions are life-threatening conditions. They are also certainly life-degrading conditions. Families, careers, health, and one’s sense of self are slowly ruined before, in many cases, ending altogether.

Addiction and mental illness are the only conditions that poison the sufferer’s mind with shame and caution the person —above all else — not to get help.

Addiction is complex in how it intertwines with life circumstances or stems from trauma. The abuse of drugs and alcohol can be a symptom of a co-occurring disorder such as depression or anxiety.

Today’s powerful opioids simply raise the stakes and increase the danger of addiction. A casual user can have their life snatched away in the blink of an eye.

So, why should you choose luxury rehab? Many luxury rehabs, including All Points North Lodge, have gone all in to bring sufferers the best, most integrated services imaginable. The best luxury rehabs have invested enormously in recovery and wellness. They believe their clients’ lives are worth it. They believe that the freedom and joy of a strong recovery are worth the price of admission.

This article highlights the profound benefits of participating in a luxury rehab. Whether the person in need is you, one of your clients, or someone you love, it is important to know that leading rehabs are providing recovery services in new ways.

So while amenities are amusing to contemplate, the essence of what makes luxury rehabs so effective is the actual clinical treatment: assessment by a top group of professionals, custom curated treatment plans, integrated treatment and wellness, medically supervised detox, group and individual therapy, trauma therapy, and much more.

Luxury Rehabs Offer Individualized Treatment

Twelve-step recovery programs — such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous — are often viewed as a one-size-fits all solution for recovery from alcohol and drugs. If a treatment facility bases its recovery program on the 12 steps alone, it does not provide individualized care. Many standard rehabs do just this.

AA and NA are great programs for alcoholics and addicts who respond to them. Typically, individualized treatment will suggest Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meetings as just one of many peer support options.

Some individuals do not satisfactorily respond to these programs. For whatever reason, the tenets or principles of these classic recovery programs are not something these participants can believe in or adhere to. They require something different.

Luxury rehabs strive to be the opposite of a one-size-fits-all recovery program.  At All Points North Lodge, the experts staff learns the client’s story and creates an individualized treatment program. The extensive multidisciplinary assessment helps the staff custom-curate precisely what the client needs.

Luxury rehab personnel believe it is vital to understand the client in order to treat the client. The philosophy is that personalization will help optimize the successful outcome of long-term recovery.

“We look at people as individuals and come up with treatment plans that are tailored to them,” APN Lodge CEO, Noah Nordheimer, states. “We don’t put people into cookie-cutter ‘programs.’ We design programs around people.”

Luxury Rehabs Have a Small Staff-to-Client Ratio

Many standard rehab facilities are short-staffed. This can cause clients to be overlooked or enable them to hide if they are not ready to get sober. It can also cause clients to feel like a number and to overlook this precious and urgent opportunity to change their lives.

In contrast, luxury facilities typically have a much smaller staff-to-client ratio. Luxury rehabs can invest in hiring the most accomplished professionals and can build up their staff to incorporate specialists trained in all aspects of recovery. This improved ratio enhances clients’ individualized care and allows staff to get to know clients on a much deeper level. Such understanding can often have a big impact on the success of a client’s recovery.

It’s not just the treatment and wellness programs that can be individualized. The small staff-to-client ratio enables the entire experience to be personalized for the individual.

Because standard rehabs accommodate more clients at once and with fewer staff, they frequently apply standardized rules to all. Some personalities will chafe at such rules, undermining their chances of recovery.

To read more of this article, please go to the All Points North Lodge website.