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Winter Park Express starts expanded ski-train service for the season

January 10, 2025, 10:09 am

The Colorado Department of Transportation CDOT) on Thursday issued the following press release on the seasonal start of Winter Park Express ski train service to Vail competitor Winter Park that state officials hope to expand to rival Steamboat as well:

Bring your skis, bring your gear, the new, improved and cheaper Winter Park Express is here.

Jan. 9 marked the first Thursday for the Amtrak Winter Park Express to operate under its new regular service schedule. And a few days later, Jan. 13 will mark the first Monday that the train runs regularly.

The new Thursday and Monday runs, which will last until March 31, are in addition to the usual Friday, Saturday and Sunday service that passengers have come to expect of the ski train.

The new five-days-a-week service, which also comes with lower fares, is a result of increased funding from the Colorado Department of Transportation. The route, which runs from Denver Union Station to the slopes at the Winter Park Resort, also stops at the Fraser-Winter Park station.

“We hope Coloradans and visitors to our state will take advantage of this expanded service,” said CDOT Executive Director Shoshana Lew. “Folks riding the Winter Park Express can bring their skis, boards and gear at no additional cost, and there are two more train cars now to carry more people and their stuff.

“With fares more than 40% less than previous years, this is a great deal.”

In addition to being able to purchase food and beverages aboard the Winter Park Express, passengers can enjoy panoramic views of the Rockies from the Sightseer Lounge car.

The train departs Denver Union Station at 7 a.m. and arrives at Winter Park at 9:11 a.m. The return trip departs from Fraser-Winter Park station at 4:05 p.m., then departs Winter Park Resort station at 4:35 p.m. and arrives in Denver at 7:05 p.m. One-way fares start at $19 or $9.50 for kids. For tickets, go to amtrak.com/winterparkexpress.

Know Before You Go

Travelers are urged to “know before you go.” Gather information about weather forecasts and anticipated travel impacts and current road conditions prior to hitting the road. CDOT resources include:

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